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  • Writer's pictureSheila Grady


  1. Winning on any level comes with a price. For instance when I made the decision to go to bed at a set time on work days. Doing so has helped me establish boundaries and self discipline, that promotes optimum function for my up coming task. For me this is winning because I reap so many health benefits because of adequate rest.

My ex- husband and I were having a heated discussion about what a winner looked like. I asked him to tell me if he thought he was a winner and for a certainty he replied, Yes! "He was a winner". I asked him to give me an example. He responded that he wanted to work as much as he can so that he could retire in a few years. He is now in his late 40's. I must inform you that he has been working relentlessly, for the past 15 years non- stop without fun, friends, family time and no desires to celebrate holiday's, birthdays or no days. He even eat his meals fast no time for chewing. My question for you is "What does winning look like for you"?

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